쩝.. 별로 좋지 않은 소식이군요.. 오늘 Dr. Bob으로부터 다시 메일을 받았는데요.
C++Builder5 Developer's Guide가 한국어로 번역되고 있다는 것은 헛소문이었답니다.
Title: Re: Question about "C++Builder 5 Developer's Guide" translation
Hi Jeehoon,
I have bad news for your: the translation to Korean seems to have been based
on a false rumour, and is not happening at this time. Sorry...
Bob Swart (aka Dr.Bob - www.DrBob42.com)
drs. Robert E. (Bob) Swart - Consultant, Delphi Trainer & Author
UK-BUG Borland User Group Member & Borland UK Connections Member
그리고 다음은, 직후에 받은 SAMS Publishing의 Carol Ackerman로부터 받은 메일입니다.
역시, 가까운 시일 내에는 한국어로 출판될 것으로 보이지 않는다는 얘깁니다.
(거꾸로 말하면, 한국의 어느 출판사도 교섭을 하지 않았다는 얘기겠지요.)
Title: C++Builder 5 Dev Gd Info
Jeehoon Imp Park,
Hello! I am the editor who published the above book. I understand you are anxious to see this book
translated into Korean.
I am sorry to say that I can find no records indicating we will be doing this in the near future.
I am sorry.
If you find a translation, I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
I'm glad you like the book though. I think it's a good one as well and we have been very pleased
with it's reception in the C++B communities worldwide.
thanks, Carol
Carol Ackerman
Acquisitions Editor
Sams Publishing
800-571-5840 x3380
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