아까 이갑연님께서, 제게 메시지를 보내서, 델파이7가 나왔다는 걸 아냐구 그러시더라구요.
(이거 써도 돼죠? 이갑연님...)
당근 깜딱 놀랬지요. 허거더더덕~~~~
그리고는 그 글을 보내주시더라구요. 설마... 그랬는데...
Borland Delphi 7 Personal Edition Now Available
Borland Accelerates Rapid Application Development with Introductory Product Version for Developers.
SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif. - April 1, 2002 - Borland Software Corporation (Nasdaq NM: BORL), a leading provider of e-business platform solutions, today announced the immediate availability of Borland? Delphi 7 Personal Edition. Delphi 7 Personal Edition enables new users to learn how to develop high-performance applications for personal, non-commercial use on the Windows platform with the latest technology standards and protocols. Developers can go to www.borland.com/downloads today to download a free version of Delphi 7 Personal Edition or purchase a CD version for US$99.95 that includes printed documentation and installation support at
Today's announcement follows the recent release of introductory versions of Borland Kylix Open Edition and JBuilder Personal Edition. By providing introductory versions of its Rapid Application Development (RAD) products, Borland reinforces its commitment to offering customers a cost-effective way to start using Borland technologies to accelerate the delivery of enterprise applications.
"As a leader in RAD, Borland continues to enable a broader set of developers to deliver enterprise class applications," said Simon Thornhill, vice president and general manager of the RAD business unit for Borland. "With Delphi 7 Personal Edition, new users can quickly learn RAD for Windows with a seamless upgrade path to database, cross-platform and Web Services development with the Professional and Enterprise editions."
About Delphi 7 Personal Edition
Delphi 7 Personal Edition allows new developers to create high-performance Windows 98, Windows NT? and Windows 2000 applications for personal, non-commercial use. Complete with a 32-bit, optimizing, native code compiler, online help and examples, Delphi 7 Personal Edition shortens development cycles and helps increase developer productivity. The Personal Edition also features a live two-way visual application design environment and the Visual Component Library (VCL) of more than 85 pre-built and reusable, customizable components, including menus, dialogs, TreeViews and text boxes.
About Borland
Borland Software Corporation is a leading provider of technology used to develop, deploy and integrate software applications. Delivering best-in-class technology solutions dedicated to interoperability, Borland allows enterprises of all sizes to move into Web-based computing while leveraging legacy systems. From the Fortune 1000 to the "Borland Nation" comprised of millions of developers around the world, Borland provides customers the freedom to develop applications, deploy them anywhere, and integrate and manage them across the enterprise. Borland solutions enable organizations to increase productivity and deliver higher-performance projects faster and on budget, while lowering total cost of ownership.
Founded in 1983, Borland is headquartered in Scotts Valley, California with operations worldwide. To learn more, visit Borland at
http://www.borland.com, the community site at
http://community.borland.com, or call Borland at (800) 632-2864.
All Borland brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland Software Corporation, in the United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
영어 글자들이 빼곡한데다.. 그동안 뉴스를 번역하면서 익숙해진 볼랜드의 뉴스 문체....
설마하던 맘까지 사라지면서 다시한번 놀랬지요.. 정말이군!
잠시 더 자세히 보니까... 이게... 작년에 나왔던 델파이6 퍼스널 발표 뉴스와 똑같지 않겠습니까..
날짜하고 버전 넘버만 빼고요.
JBuilder 퍼스널과 카일릭스 오픈을 언급하면서, 이제 델파이도 퍼스널을 오픈한다...
그런 내용이라서 금방 기억이 났습니다.
결정적으로.. 발표 날짜가, 4월 1일이더군요... -.-;;;;
만우절 조크였다는....
이갑연님.. 아무래도.. 만우절 조크라는 걸 아시면서 제게 짐짓 모르는 척 보내주신 듯... ^^
큭큭~~ 어쨌든 정말 재밌었습니다~