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[3356] Why is Borland C++ Builder better than Microsoft Visual C++?
만해 [greenuri] 2972 읽음    2002-02-01 05:33
안녕하세요 만해 입니다.

볼랜드 뉴스 그룹에서 흥미로운 글을 봐서 옮깁니다.

Why is Borland C++ Builder better than Microsoft Visual C++?

Obviously Borland users prefer Borland, and Microsoft users prefer
Microsoft.  That's why they stick with the software.  I have both programs
currently: Borland C++ Builder 5 Professional and Microsoft Visual
Studio.NET Professional.  I must say that I am a beginning C++ programmer, a
student, so I've mostly been working with console-based applications.  I'm
curious, though, because I've asked many C++ programmers in the industry and
they say that Borland C++ Builder is far better IDE.  What are some of the
reasons why this is the case?

-Adam Rosenwald

It makes writing graphical interfaces ridiculously simple.  For me, I
can write windows programs without having to know Windows, which is
exactly what I want.  (I do still have to know C++ though. :)

I don't particuarly like IDE's because they do too much and too little
at the same time.  I prefer to code in Emacs, and use the IDE
primarily to run the integrated debugger, or for using VCL components
in the drag-and-drop way.  But all my non-vcl code is not written in
the IDE but in my own faviorite editor.

BCB has a more compliant compiler than VC++, but it has its own quirks
and, like VC++, still has its shortcommings.  Both compilers are being
worked on, so as time goes by they both will be better.  To me the
compiler is more important than the IDE.

What is best is probably one of those things in the eye of the



Yea, Chris, just add considerations about support for different technologies
(COM, MTS, COM+, Direct X, DDK ...), Help, Patches ( 4 SP against 1 SP ) de
facto standard (MS Windows platform) for the corporations (at least here in
the USA), prices, etc.

But from the other side, future support for Linux, better support of the
Standard C++, *really* easy GUI development (Visual C++.NET still does not
have this ability in the current release).


Igor Baranovskyy" <igorbar@hotmail.com> writes:

> Yea, Chris, just add considerations about support for different technologies
> (COM, MTS, COM+, Direct X, DDK ...),

This kind of stuff is so totally useless to me that it doesn't even
register in my mind as a "benefit" or even something worth
considering.  I suppose if you've got to use it, then it matters.

> Help, Patches ( 4 SP against 1 SP ) de facto standard (MS Windows
> platform) for the corporations (at least here in the USA), prices,
> etc.

Patches are the biggest benefit for VC++.  BCB does lack patches, I
agree.  As for "de facto standard, that means nothing to me, since VC++
can't compile my code and Borland can, it's totally black and white to

> But from the other side, future support for Linux, better support of
> the Standard C++, *really* easy GUI development (Visual C++.NET
> still does not have this ability in the current release).

This too, espeically Linux support, is important to me.  (All my
coding is done on Linux anyway, so when I use windows, it is code that
is ported from linux and naturally doesn't use any MS "technology.")


+ -

관련 글 리스트
3356 Why is Borland C++ Builder better than Microsoft Visual C++? 만해 2972 2002/02/01
3357     이 글 좀 해석해 주실 분 안계시나요 T_T (내용 없습니다) kongbw 2433 2002/02/01
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