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[102] kylix에 대해
미지 [] 6743 읽음    2000-03-13 00:00
세간에 다 아시는 사항이겠지만,
kylix 발음이 '킬릭스'가 아니라  '카일릭스'라는 사실입니다.   몇몇 잡지와 몇몇 사람들에 의해서 이 발음이 킬릭스라고 하는데 이것을 잘못된 발음이고 진짜는 카일릭스라고 발음하시기 바랍니다.
....정통 미국 발음...

그리고, 안타깝게도  kylix 델파이가 먼저 나올 것 같네요.....
원래 VCL 컴포넌트와 IDE 전체가 파스칼 코드로 되어 있기 때문에,
볼랜드 자체도 C/C++ 로 처음부터 다시 시작하고 싶지는 않겠지요.   또한  델파이/C++Builder를 모두 만들려면,  어쩔수 없이 파스칼 코드를 사용해야 하구요....

어쩔 수 없지만, C++Builder kylix는 올 겨울이나 내년 봄에나 기다려야 할 것 같네요...

어쨌든,  볼랜드 파이팅.

다음은,  미국 볼랜드 카일릭스 개발 매니저의 말입니다.  참고하세요.

참고 커맨트 ====================

So far we have announced that the first products to come from the Kylix
project will be available sometime mid year. That's the official line. We've
been intentionally vague on exactly what "mid year" means because we are
committed to making sure Delphi and C++Builder for Linux are high quality
and complete and no less. As we get into beta and closer to release we'll
sharpen the pencil on the official release dates and product delivery

Although we haven't publicly announced it, I've seen the assumption posted
several times in different places that we will be releasing Delphi first. If
you understand that the IDE and component library is written in Delphi then
it should be reasonable to assume that we would release Delphi first and
following up shortly thereafter with C++Builder- that would also mean going
into beta with Delphi first as well. While I'm not uncomfortable with this
public assumption for Kylix, there will also be some cool twists in the plot
that will be disclosed as we get closer to summer - meaning all is not
business as usual in Delphi/C++Builder land - expect all kinds of crazy
things you never thought we'd have the guts to do.

So as of today we are not currently in beta, meaning don't worry you're not
being left out yet :) We are gearing up for beta this spring and getting
closer every day. I'm personally blown away at the progress the R&D team is
making every week. More and more I can't blink without major hurdles being
overcome and new pieces of the Kylix puzzle coming together. Thank goodness
there is a Borland R&D team, and thank goodness they're the ones building

Best regards always,


Michael Swindell
Director of Product Management - Linux Tools

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102 kylix에 대해 미지 6743 2000/03/13
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