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헤드라인 뉴스
[38] 볼랜드, Kylix 2 공급 시작
박지훈.임프 [cbuilder] 5405 읽음    2001-11-07 04:01
볼랜드가 미국시간으로 11월 6일부터 Kylix 2를 선적하기 시작했습니다.
(Kylix 2 발표시에 미리 알려주었던 것보다는 하루 늦어졌습니다.)

선적 뉴스가 따로 뜨는 것은, 이때까지의 볼랜드의 제품 정책에서는 제품 발표 시기와 실제
제품 공급 시기가 어느정도 간격이 있었기 때문입니다. 그런데 이번 Kylix 2의 경우에는 지금까지의
관례를 깨고, 2주라는 짧은 기간만에 공급이 시작된 것입니다. 그것도 미리 예고까지 하고서요.

아마도, 12월에서 내년 초 사이에 발표가 예정되어 있는 다른 개발툴 제품들..
C++Builder 6, JBuilder 6, Enterprise Studio for Java 3, Enterprise Studio for Windows 등의
경우에도 이번과 같이 실제 제품 공급이 앞당겨질 가능성이 아주 높을 것 같습니다.

한편, Kylix 2 오픈 에디션은 발표시에 함께 알린 대로라면 4/4분기 내로 공개되게 됩니다.

Kylix 2 발표 뉴스 보기 :

원문 :
Borland® Ships Kylix™ 2 with First Web Services Solution for Linux®
  Borland Provides Cross-Platform Development to Create and Deploy Applications to the Internet

Scotts Valley, Calif. - November 6, 2001 - Borland Software Corporation (Nasdaq NM: BORL)
today announced the general availability of Borland® Kylix™ 2 for the rapid development
of e-business applications for Linux®. The latest version of Borland's award-winning,
rapid application development (RAD) environment for the Linux operating system, Kylix 2
enables companies to rapidly build and deploy applications that simplify e-business
integration with Web Services across diverse platforms between customers, suppliers,
business partners and employees worldwide.

According to a recent survey by Evans Data, 70 percent of Linux developers believe Web
Services now represent the "future of Internet applications." Kylix 2 leverages Web
Services and XML technologies to expand the e-business capabilities of Linux and Apache™.
By combining Kylix 2 with Borland® Delphi™ 6, the first Web Services development
environment for the Windows® platform, companies can develop cross-platform enterprise-
class applications that integrate with Web Services industry standards, SOAP, XML, and

Kylix 2 features BizSnap™, WebSnap™ and DataSnap™ to form a fully integrated set of
visual tools with advanced compiler technology and re-usable software components. With
these components, Kylix 2 users can easily exchange and manipulate XML documents, integrate
applications across the Internet, and additional functionality from Web Service platforms
including .Net™ and BizTalk™ from Microsoft, and ONE™ from Sun Microsystems. Kylix 2
delivers true platform and language interoperability and flexibility by supporting industry
standard Web Service protocols such as SOAP, XML, and WSDL.

Borland Kylix 2 new product features include:
- BizSnap Web Services RAD development platform simplifies next generation e-business
  integration by easily creating XML/SOAP Web Services and connections.
- WebSnap transforms Apache™ Web servers into powerful enterprise-class database driven
  Web application servers.
- DataSnap allows customers to build high-performance, Web Service-enabled database
  middleware that scales and interoperates with any e-business solution, such as Oracle®,
  Informix®, IBM® DB2®, MySQL®, PostgreSQL®/Red Hat Database and Borland InterBase®,
  through industry standard Web Services and XML, DCOM or CORBA®.
- CORBA support for building high-performance, rich GUI clients for Borland VisiBroker®.
- Cross-platform application development by combining Kylix 2 with Delphi 6 to develop one
  code base for both Linux and Windows.
- Publish Borland AppServer Enterprise Java Beans functionality as Web Services with
  BizSnap by leveraging new Simple IDL (SIDL).

"Web Services delivers on the promise of the Internet to solve integration problems and
reduce the costs of doing business," said Simon Thornhill, vice president and general
manager for RAD solutions at Borland. "Borland is the only company delivering Web Services
solutions today for both Windows and Linux environments."

Pricing and Availability
Borland Kylix 2 is currently available in three editions: Kylix 2 Enterprise, Kylix 2
Professional and Kylix 2 Open. For new users, Kylix 2 Enterprise edition is available for
$1,999 and Kylix 2 Professional edition is available for $249. Special upgrade pricing is
available for Borland Kylix customers, as well as special pricing for Borland Delphi 6
users. Kylix 2 Enterprise and Professional editions are available directly from Borland at
http://shop.borland.com and through authorized resellers. Kylix 2 Open Edition for open
source software (general public license GPL) developers is also available for free download
from http://www.borland.com/downloads/.

Web Services: Delivering on the promise of the Internet
Web Services are business processes that can be discovered and run over the Internet using
standard technologies. By using Web Services, companies can easily connect applications
using standard XML formats over standard Internet protocols to virtually any client,
including desktop applications, Web browsers, mobile devices, and PDAs. Similarly, Web
Services easily interconnect applications from completely different hardware platforms,
such as mainframes, application servers, and Web servers; Web Services also support
connections among disparate operating systems such as Windows, Java™, Linux and Unix®.
Web Services enable developers to build e-business applications that can connect with any
customer, supplier, and business partner anywhere in the world-regardless of the chosen
platform or programming language. For more information on how Borland is delivering Web
Services, please visit the Borland Web site, http://www.borland.com/webservices.

About Borland® Kylix™ 2
Borland Kylix 2 provides rapid e-business development with Web Services for the Linux
operating system. Kylix 2 features BizSnap™, WebSnap™, and DataSnap™ to allow corporate
or individual developers to create Web Services quickly and easily. Combined with Borland
Delphi™6, the RAD solution for Windows®, Kylix 2 allows developers to use one code base
for cross-platform Linux/Windows application development. Kylix 2 also enables immediate
and ongoing interaction with Web Services-based vendor platforms including .Net™ and
BizTalk™ from Microsoft, and ONE™ from Sun Microsystems. For more information about Kylix
2, please visit the Borland Web site, http://www.borland.com/kylix.

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