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[292] Borland BDN Live: The 24 Hours of BDS 2006
박지훈.임프 [cbuilder] 15619 읽음    2005-10-14 01:58
델파이2006과 C++빌더2006을 포함하는 최신 개발툴 스튜디오인 볼랜드 디벨로퍼 스튜디오 2006에 대한 24시간 연속 인터넷 라디오 방송 및 채팅이 10월 24일에 예정되어 있습니다.

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시작시간 진행(분) 발언자 설명
24일 오후 4:00 60 David Intersimone, Michael Swindell, Jason Vokes, Malcolm Groves Michael, Jason and Malcolm will introduced the 24 hours of DeXter and present a discussion of Delphi, C++Builder and C#Builder usage around the world. They will also present future directions for the products with support for .NET compact framework, .NET 2.0, and Windows Vista.
24일 오후 5:00 25 Daniel Wischnewski Daniel will talk about how you can use the DeXter Welcome Page to suit your needs. Further he will discuss how the German Delphi Community will receive DeXter, what they expect and what it is doing to support the Delphi product line.
24일 오후 5:25 25 Jeremy North Jeremy will be discussing how to create applications using the .NET Compact Framework in DeXter. He will also talk about the DeXter ActionManager VCL and VCL.NET fixes.
24일 오후 5:50 25 Hadi Hariri Hadi will discuss the new features of IntraWeb, new C++ support, DeXter integration process, and their new testing framework.
24일 오후 6:15 15 Kim Madsen Kim will dicuss message bus driven development, SOA, living as a 3rdparty vendor etc.
24일 오후 6:30 30 Eli Boling Eli will talk about the new C++ compiler in DeXter.
24일 오후 7:00 60 Henrik Jondell, Jan Norden, Jesper Hogstrom, Fredrik Haglund, Anders Ivner, Mats Helander Henrik will kick off with a high level ECO III intro after which the team will discuss features of ECO III, such as OR mapping, Executable State Machines, the ECO Action Language, multiple database support and reverse engineering of existing databases
24일 오후 8:00 30 Paul Gustavson Paul will talk about his excitement about DeXter and the return of C++Builder. He'll share user community feedback on C++Builder, as well as his thoughts on the VCL. He will also give us a short overview of his DevCon talk.
24일 오후 8:30 25 Yorai Aminov Yorai will talk about BDN projects he built with Dexter (GetPublished and DocAdapter). He will also talk about Unicode in ASP.NET applications.
24일 오후 8:55 25 Bob Swart Bob will discuss the new courseware he's been developing for DeXter (with Brian Long as Technical Editor), some upcoming topics for articles in the magazines he writes for, as well as talk about his DevCon and European DevCon sessions(s) and the Delphi User Groups he's part of.
24일 오후 9:20 25 Marco Cantu Marco will talk about his DeXter experience, about his DevCon talks, as well as his Delphi books.
24일 오후 9:45 15 Jud Cole Jud will talk about the upcoming release of CodeHealer, SOCK Software's source code analysis and verification tool for Delphi, and his experiences while updating it to include support for DeXter.
24일 오후 10:00 30 Huw Collingbourne Huw will be talking about Bitwise Magazine, and about programming coverage in magazines and the web (from the golden days of BYTE in the early '80s to now). He will also talk about his 'life with Delphi' - going back to Turbo Pascal 3 and the first big program he ever wrote, an adventure game called The Golden Wombat of Destiny.
24일 오후 10:30 30 Joe Hendricks Joe will discuss how he has used D6/D7/D2005/DeXter for a career/training placement app, used to help returning Iraq servicemen, World Vision's relief efforts, and to aid Katrina evacuees.
24일 오후 11:00 20 Hallvard Vassbotn Hallvard will talk about his Win32 memory manager clone, and his Win32 record operator overloading example for DeXter. He will also talk about his company's new product, the leading Nordic financial real-time information and trading product, The Online Trader, and how they developed it using native Delphi.
24일 오후 11:20 30 Nick Hodges Nick will discuss ASP.NET development with DeXter, including his talks at DevCon about ASP.NET component development, and how DeXter helped him improve his productivity when building the QualityCentral web client.
24일 오후 11:50 20 Dan Miser Dan will talk about migration considerations for DeXter, including changes to VCL, DBX, and DataSnap.
25일 오전 12:10 20 Leonel Togniolli Leonel is going to talk about the BDN projects he built with DeXter (QC Stats and Digital Signatures). He's also going to discuss ECO development on ASP.NET.
25일 오전 12:30 15 Chuck Vertrees Chuck has a surprise announcement for us, and he will also talk about their data access options with Dexter - ADSTDataSet VCL, ADSTDataSet VCL for .NET, ADS BDP and ADS .NET Provider. And of course, he'll invite everyone to learn more at their DevCon booth.
25일 오전 12:45 15 Jim Cooper Jim will talk about communicating with PocketPCs with DeXter via ActiveSync.
25일 오전 01:00 30 Chris Hesik & Alastair Fyfe Chris and Alastair will discuss all that is new, improved and cool about the Integrated Debugger for Dexter, including features for both native and managed debugging. They will also discuss what BCB6 users can expect from the debugger when moving to Dexter from BCB6.
25일 오전 01:30 20 Scott Arnold Scott will talk about Borland Developer Studio 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006 and C#Builder 2006) and the roadmap going forward from his perspective as CEO.
25일 오전 01:50 30 Bruno Fierens Bruno will cover VCL, VCL.NET, IntraWeb & ASP.NET component support for DeXter.
25일 오전 02:20 30 Danny Thorpe Danny will discuss the new Delphi compiler enhancements in DeXter, such as records with methods and operator overloading in Win32, and improved function inlining.
25일 오전 02:50 30 Allen Bauer Allen will discuss the new features of the DeXter IDE.
25일 오전 03:20 30 Alisdair Meredith Alisdair will talk about the C++ side of DeXter as well as about his role on ANSI/ISO C++ meetings.
25일 오전 03:50 20 Jim Gunkel Jim will talk about Rave Reports bundled with DeXter.
25일 오전 04:10 50 Doug Chapman, Mike Devery, Calvin Tang, Tom Avila Doug, Calvin, Mike and Tom will discuss the R&D, QA and build/integration process.
25일 오전 05:00 30 Pierre Le Riche & John O'Harrow Pierre will talk about the new memory manager in DeXter. He will be discussing backward compatibility, the new features, as well as the differences in behavior between the old and new memory managers. Time permitting, he will also give a technical insight into the inner workings of the new memory manager. John will be discussing the Fastcode project: What it is, who it is, the history behind it, and the contribution that it has made (and continues to make) to Delphi and the Delphi developer community. He will also be mentioning some of the improved runtime library functions that were developed by the Fastcode project and are now incorporated into DeXter.
25일 오전 05:30 20 Cary Jensen Cary will talk about and take questions on general database development issues. Topics will include database development under both Win32 and .NET environments, in-memory datasets, and database development in a service oriented architecture (SOA).
25일 오전 05:50 20 Holger Flick Holger will discuss ASP.NET and ECO in DeXter.
25일 오전 06:10 20 Jacob Thurman Jacob will talk about his company's support of DeXter
25일 오전 06:30 30 J. Peter Mugaas Peter will be discussing features of Indy and taking any questions on it.
25일 오전 07:00 15 Jon Robertson Jon will give a sneak preview of his DevCon session, "Writing StarTeam Utilities with Delphi and the StarTeam SDK".
25일 오전 07:15 15 Brian Long Brian will talk about his EuroDevCon talks (.NET components and .NET Interop) and how he managed to track down some Delphi-written malware on a client's web server.
25일 오전 07:30 30 Jim Tierney & Steve Trefethen Jim and Steve will discuss their top ten new and improved features for building, testing and deploying ASP.NET applications with DeXter.
25일 오전 08:00 30 Janet Major Janet will discuss the documentation and help system improvements in DeXter.
25일 오전 08:30 30 Mark Edington Mark will discuss quality and performance of DeXter.
25일 오전 09:00 20 Rob Cheng Rob will talk about how Borland is marketing DeXter. He encourages everyone to ask marketing related questions during the chat that he can address.
25일 오전 09:20 20 Dick Walker Dick will talk about his positive experiences using some third party products in his ECO applications. He will also discuss some of the performance hurdles that he's come across and how using ECO handles solved most of these issues.
25일 오전 09:40 20 Bruce McGee Bruce will talk about the Toronto Delphi user group, Delphi events in the city and the Borland and Delphi personalities from the area. He will also discuss why he's so optimistic about the future of Delphi.
25일 오전 10:00 30 Troy Kitch, Mark Duncan & Darren Kosinski As product manager for the C++Builder product line and personality within Borland Developer Studio, Troy will discuss his favorite new features in C++Builder, and what is new from C++Builder 6. Mark and Darren will discuss the IDE features of DeXter's C++Builder personality.
25일 오전 10:30 25 Lino Tadros & Charlie Calvert Lino and Charlie will dicuss Falafel's support for DeXter, including training, consulting, customer stories, and their DevCon talks.
25일 오전 10:55 20 Bernd Ua Bernd will talk about DeXter in Germany, and of course about the German EKON conference where DeXter was first shown.
25일 오전 11:15 15 Ray Navasarkian & Richard Morris Ray and Richard will discuss their support for DeXter.
25일 오전 11:30 30 Ramesh Theivendran Ramesh will discuss the new database support in DeXter.
25일 오후 12:00 15 Keith Chuvala Keith will give a sneak preview of his two sessions at DevCon, "CASE STUDY: Sending C++Builder Apps into Orbit - WorldMap 5.0" and "To VCL or Not to VCL? Pathways for C++ Developers"
25일 오후 12:15 30 Atanas Stoyanov & Azret Botash Atanas and Azret will discuss their support for DeXter, and talk about AQtime profiling experience with full IDE integration in Dexter.
25일 오후 12:45 15 Girish Patil Girish will tell us what's cooking at Gnostice to enable the DeXter developer to harness the full power of electronic documents to rapidly build business applications that will create, process, edit and deploy electronic documents.
25일 오후 01:00 30 Jeff Overcash Jeff will talk about the work he's done for BDN (QualityCentral), as well as the IBX components.
25일 오후 01:30 30 Tim & Alexandra Jarvis Tim and his daughter Alexandra will talk about ECO and how ECO is child's play.
25일 오후 02:00 30 Ray Konopka Ray will be discussing VCL enhancements that are coming in DeXter and how they affect component writers. He'll also be covering how Raize Software is taking advantages of these enhancements for their next release of Raize Components. He will also be encouraging listeners to attend his DevCon sessions and tutorial on component writing in Delphi at DevCon.
25일 오후 02:30 30 Robert Love Robert Love will discuss the BDN work that he's done using DeXter, as well as talk about his DevCon talk(s) and the Delphi User Group he's part of.
25일 오후 03:00 60 David Intersimone, Michael Swindell, Jason Vokes, Malcolm Groves Michael, Jason, and Malcolm along with David I, John and Anders will present closing comments summarize the 24 hours of DeXter, take final questions, and award some prizes.

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